PT. Juloi Coal

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Company Information

Company Name : Juloi Coal, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office

  • Address : Mid Plaza II, 3rd Floor Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11
  • City : Jakarta
  • State / Province : DKI Jakarta
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 10220
  • Phone : (021) 570-6281 (021) 570-6388
  • Fax : (021) 573-5919 (021) 570-6370
  • E-mail :

Branch Office

  • Address : Gedung BRI, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 37
  • City : Balikpapan
  • State / Province : East Kalimantan
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 10220
  • Phone : +62-542-737542
  • Fax : +62-542-426401
  • E-mail :

Site Office

  • Address : Juloi Block 300 km from East Kalimantan^s of Balikpapan Tambang Kunyi and Puruk Cahu districts, North Barito (Murung Raya) Regency, Central Kalimantan Province
  • City : Banjarmasin
  • State / Province : Central Kalimantan
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone :
  • Fax :
  • E-mail :

Business Information

  • Main Business : Coal Mining Company
  • Stage :
  • Contract Signing/Start Up : September 6, 2000
  • Contract Scheme : Third Generation
  • Commodity : Coal
  • Mine Type : Open Cut
  • Resources : Tonne(s)
  • Capacity : Tonne(s)/year
  • Shareholders : -BHP Minerals Holdings Pty, Ltd (99,403 %) (Australia) -BHP Minerals Asia Pasific Pty, Ltd (0,597 %) (Australia)
  • Parent Company : BHP-Billiton Plc.

Site Areas Information

  • Areas : Juloi Block 300 km from East Kalimantan^s of Balikpapan Tambang Kunyi and Puruk Cahu districts, North Barito (Murung Raya) Regency, Central Kalimantan Province

Transshipment Site/Port Information

  • Transshipment : Juloi River and Murung River stream southwards to the Barito River Tambang Kunyi and Puruk Cahu Districts, North Barito (Murung Raya) Regency, Central Kalimantan Province

Company Coal Specification

  • Area Name : Cahay Block, Paban Block and Mambaho Block
  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : 6,122-8,001 kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0.3-0.8 %
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 1.0-5.2 %
  • H.G.I :
  • Moisture (a.r) :
  • Moisture (a.d.b) :
  • Volatile Meter :
  • Fixed Carbon :
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties : Preliminary exploration has indicated thr present of seam up to 4 meters thick, with dips of between 3-11 Degree Celcius.

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :

  • Setiawan (President Director)
  • Indra Diannanjaya (External Affairs Manager)

Primary Contact Information

  • Name : Indra Diannanjaya
  • Job Title : External Affairs Manager
  • E-Mail :
  • Phone : (021) 570-6281 (021) 570-6388
  • Fax : (021) 573-5919 (021) 570-6370