Company Information
Company Name : Kalimantan Energi Lestari, PT
Website :
Jakarta/Head Office
- Address : Menara Prima Building Lantai 21 Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
- City : DKI Jakarta
- State / Province : Jakarta Selatan
- Country : INDONESIA
- Postal Code : 12950
- Phone : (021) 2996-1400
- Fax : (021) 2996-1402
- E-mail :
Branch Office
- Address : –
- City : –
- State / Province : –
- Country : INDONESIA
- Postal Code : –
- Phone : –
- Fax : –
- E-mail :
Site Office
- Address : Gendang Timburu is the southeastern part of South Kalimantan, about 400 km from Banjarmasin. Sungai Durian District / Kotabaru Regency / South Kalimantan Province.
- City : Banjarmasin
- State / Province : South Kalimantan
- Country : INDONESIA
- Postal Code : –
- Phone : –
- Fax : –
- E-mail :
Business Information
- Main Business : Coal Mining Company
- Stage :
- Contract Signing/Start Up : November 20, 1997
- Contract Scheme : Third Generation, PKP2B
- Commodity : Coal
- Mine Type : Open Cut
- Resources : 0,063 Tonne(s)
- Capacity : 0,043 Tonne(s)/year
- Shareholders : -Ida Bagus Darma Yoga (65 %) (Indonesia) -Yohanes Ferendi Limbeng (30 %) (Indonesia) -Yunia Haratiany (3 %) (Indonesia) -Puntun Wiris (2 %) (Indonesia)
- Parent Company : Sumber Mitra Jaya Group
Site Areas Information
- Areas : Sungai Durian District / Kotabaru Regency / South Kalimantan Province. PT. Kalimantan Energi Lestari signed a Third Generation PKP2B with the government in November 1997 to explore and exploit a 98,470-ha coal concession in Kotabaru regency, South Kalimantan province. The concession area is located in the southeastern part of South Kalimantan, about 400 km from Banjarmasin, the provincial capital. The area under exploitation stage covers 6.261 ha, surrounding the Gendang Timburu village in Sungai Durian District of Kotabaru Regency. The mining concession can be reached from Jakarta via a one and a half airflight to Banjar Baru, followed by a 406 km drive about eight hours. A provincial road connects the conccession area with the provincial capital.
Transshipment Site/Port Information
- Transshipment : a 30 km hauling road towards a 5.000 dead weight ton capacity coal loading jetty at Jonah Village, Manunggul River. By barges the coal will then be transported to transshipment location at Tanjung Pamukan, in the Straits of Makassar, where a Panamax or Handymax vessel anchored.
Company Coal Specification
- Area Name : Gendang Timburu
- Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
- Caloric Value (g.a.r) : 5,095-6,998 kcal/kg
- Total Sulphur : 0.47-3.08 %
- Ash (a.d.b) : 2.6-23.0 %
- H.G.I :
- Moisture (a.r) : 6.6-13.6 %
- Moisture (a.d.b) :
- Volatile Meter :
- Fixed Carbon :
- A.F.T :
- Other Properties : The type of coal to be sold by KEL is “blender coal”. The product has particular characteristics of 5,750-6,800 carorific value, low sulphur of 1.0 %, and ash content of about 15 percent. The product is sold to the domestic and overseas markets for coal blending purposes. Reference General Survey 1999.
Principal Officers
Principal Officers :
- President Commissioner – Mr. Geoffrey M. Kelly
- President Director – Mr. Sam G. Atkinson
Primary Contact Information
- Name : Sam G. Atkinson
- Job Title : President Director
- E-Mail :
- Phone : (021) 2996-1400
- Fax : (021) 2996-1402