PT. Jorong Barutama Greston

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Company Information

Company Name : Jorong Barutama Greston, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office

  • Address : Pondok Indah Office III, 3rd Floor Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Pondok Indah Kav. V-TA Jakarta Selatan
  • City : Jakarta Selatan
  • State / Province : DKI Jakarta
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 12310
  • Phone : 62-21-29328100
  • Fax : 62-21- 29327999
  • E-mail :

Branch Office

  • Address :
  • City :
  • State / Province :
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone :
  • Fax :
  • E-mail :

Site Office

  • Address : Jl. A. Yani km. 103 No. 286, RT 07 Desa Swarangan, Jorong, Tanah Laut Sout Kalimantan
  • City : Banjarmasin
  • State / Province : South Kalimantan
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone : 62-512-22394-5
  • Fax : 62-21-5269660Ext. 6045/6
  • E-mail :

Business Information

  • Main Business : Coal Mining Company
  • Stage : Production
  • Contract Signing/Start Up : November 20, 1997
  • Contract Scheme : Second Generation
  • Commodity : Coal
  • Mine Type : Open Cut
  • Resources : 58,81 Tonne(s)
  • Capacity : – Tonne(s)/year
  • Shareholders : -Banpu Public Co. Ltd (95 %) (Thailand) -PT Jorong Barutama Greston (5 %) (Indonesia)
  • Parent Company : Banpu Public Company Limited.

Site Areas Information

  • Areas : Jl. A. Yani km. 103 No. 286, RT 07 Desa Swarangan, Jorong, Tanah Laut South Kalimantan or Jorong district, Tanah Laut regency, South Kalimantan province, approximately 105 kilometers from Banjarmasin.

Transshipment Site/Port Information

  • Transshipment : From the Jorong Coal mine distances at transhipment point 18 km from the barge loading terminal, Panamax Vessel can be accomodated. Jorong regency, South Kalimantan province

Company Coal Specification

Area Name : Jorong J-1

  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0,3 %
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 4 %
  • H.G.I : 47
  • Moisture (a.r) : 30 %
  • Moisture (a.d.b) : 17 %
  • Volatile Meter : 40 %
  • Fixed Carbon : 39 %
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties : Jorong coal has a very low sulphur content and is most suitable for use in the power and industrial plants. Jorong has long-term coal supply contracts with domestic power and industrial utility providers as well as customers in other countries in Asia and Europe. In late 2003 Jorong has been chosen as the sole supplier of a 210 MW power plant in the Philippines. Jorong has now been widely accepted in the industry after only a few years in production.

Area Name : F.Tanjung

  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0.12-2.65 %
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 2.9-11.7 %
  • H.G.I :
  • Moisture (a.r) : 11.0-33.4 %
  • Moisture (a.d.b) :
  • Volatile Meter :
  • Fixed Carbon :
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties : Coal Type Sub-Bituminous to Bituminous

Area Name : F. Warukin

  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0.12-2.65 %
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 11.0-33.4 %
  • H.G.I :
  • Moisture (a.r) : 11.0-33.4 %
  • Moisture (a.d.b) :
  • Volatile Meter :
  • Fixed Carbon :
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties : Coal Type Sub-Bituminous to Bituminous

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :

  • Ongart Auapinyakul (President Director)
  • Somyot Ruchirawat (Director)
  • Leksono Poeranto (Director)

Primary Contact Information

  • Name : Leksono Poeranto
  • Job Title : Director
  • E-Mail :;
  • Phone : 62-21-29328100
  • Fax : 62-21- 29327999