PT. Riau Bara Harum

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Company Information

Company Name : Riau Bara Harum, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office

  • Address : Mayapada Tower 6th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 28 Jakarta 12920
  • City : Jakarta Selatan
  • State / Province : DKI Jakarta
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 12920
  • Phone : +62-21-5225434,+62-21-5150055,+62-21-5226676
  • Fax : +62-21-5212308,+62-21-5155307
  • E-mail :

Branch Office

  • Address : –
  • City : –
  • State / Province : –
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : –
  • Phone : –
  • Fax : –
  • E-mail :

Site Office

  • Address : Kelesa Village Seberida District and Rantau Langsat village, Batang Gasal District – Indragiri Hilir Riau
  • City : Indragiri Upstream & Indragiri Downstream
  • State / Province : Riau
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : –
  • Phone : –
  • Fax : –
  • E-mail :

Business Information

  • Main Business : Coal Mining Company
  • Stage : Feasibility Study
  • Contract Signing/Start Up : August 15, 1994
  • Contract Scheme : Second Generation
  • Commodity : Coal
  • Mine Type : Open Pit and Back Filling Methods
  • Resources : 27.44 Tonne(s)
  • Capacity : 1 Tonne(s)/year
  • Shareholders :
  • Parent Company :

Site Areas Information

  • Areas : Concession area is 24,450 ha in Siberida, Batang Gangsal and Batang Cenako District, Indragiri Hulu Regency (92.68 %). And Kemuning District, Iragiri Hilir Regency (7.32 %). Riau Province. Mining Concession is in Keritang Area, Seberida District, Indragiri hilir Regency.

Transshipment Site/Port Information

  • Transshipment : 1. The run of mine coal will be transported usng dump truck to a processing plant that will be built at the Mumpa river port in Tempuling District, which is about 11 and 88 kilometers from Kelasa and Rantau Langsat, respectively. After being processed, the coal will be loaded onto a conveyor belt that will deliver the coal to a 5,500-ton barge. The barge will take the coal over a distance of about 105 kilometers to vessels anchored off the coast of Muara Bangkong. The vessels will take the coal to buyers. 2. Facility of port is in the side of Indragiri River. 3. Location of loading port in sungai Gantang Area (Accrossing of Mumpa Area). Tempuling District, Indragiri Hilir Regency.

Company Coal Specification

  • Area Name : RBH Coal
  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : 5,700 – 6,200 kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : – kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0.8 – 1.2
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 9.0 – 12.0
  • H.G.I : 50 approx.
  • Moisture (a.r) : 17.0 – 19.0
  • Moisture (a.d.b) : 8.0 – 9.0
  • Volatile Meter : 38.0 – 42.0
  • Fixed Carbon : By difference
  • A.F.T : > 1,500 (reducing) or > 1,550 (oxidizing)
  • Other Properties : Size 0 – 50 mm 100 %, Under 2 mm 20 %.

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :

Primary Contact Information

  • Name : Susanto, SA
  • Job Title : –
  • E-Mail : /
  • Phone : +62-21-5225434,+62-21-5150055,+62-21-5226676,+62 81-888-0360 / 813-8193-2596
  • Fax : +62-21-5212308,+62-21-5155307