Company Information
Company Name : Padangbara Sukses Makmur, PT
Website :
Jakarta/Head Office
- Address : Wisma Staco Lantai 7, Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18 Jakarta Selatan 12870
- City : Jakarta
- State / Province : Jakarta Selatan
- Country : INDONESIA
- Postal Code : 12870
- Phone : (021) 8310403(021) 8317058(021) 8309535
- Fax : (021) 8311473
- E-mail :
Branch Office
- Address : Not Available
- City :
- State / Province :
- Country :
- Postal Code :
- Phone :
- Fax :
- E-mail :
Site Office
- Address : Jl. A. Yani km 120 Daerah Rantau / Kabupaten Tapin / Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan
- City : Banjarmasin
- State / Province : Kalimantan Selatan
- Country : INDONESIA
- Postal Code : Not Available
- Phone : (0511) 4602015 Ext. 301
- Fax : (0511) 4602015 Ext. 424
- E-mail :
Business Information
- Main Business : Coal Mining Company
- Stage : Feasibility Study
- Contract Signing/Start Up : 2003
- Contract Scheme : Not Available
- Commodity : Coal
- Mine Type : Open cut
- Resources : 200 Tonne(s)
- Capacity : 1 Tonne(s)/year
- Shareholders : Not Available
- Parent Company :
Site Areas Information
- Areas : Jl. Ahmad Yani KM. 120 Rantau District, Tapin Regency, Kalimantan Selatan Province, Banjarmasin
Transshipment Site/Port Information
- Transshipment : Daerah Rantau Kabupaten Tapin Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan Banjarmasin
Company Coal Specification
- Area Name : e-coal
- Caloric Value (a.d.b) : 5,200-5,600 kcal/kg
- Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
- Total Sulphur : 0,15 %
- Ash (a.d.b) : 2 %
- H.G.I : 45 Index
- Moisture (a.r) : 30 %
- Moisture (a.d.b) : 18 %
- Volatile Meter : 43 %
- Fixed Carbon : 37 %
- A.F.T : 1,200
- Other Properties : 1. SG 1,35 % 2. Ash Analysis SiO2 19 % A12O3 18 % Fe2O3 CaO 15 % MgO 18.5 % Na2O 0.60 % K2O 0.39 % TiO2 0.78 % 3. Ultimate Analysis (d.a.f) Carbon/C 68.6 % Hydrogen/H 5.25 % Nitrogen/N 0.75 % Sulfur/S 0.1 % Oxigen/O2 24.5 % Slag 0.26 Foul 1.60 4. Reference Company Profile APBI. 5. Realizing the specifications of our coal, we are targeting the following industries as our main market : – Steam Driven Power Plan. – Industries employing boilers designed for low calorific coal. We are particularly looking at establishing long-term cooperation with industries using low-calorific coal as their energy resource.
Principal Officers
Principal Officers :
- Aloysius Barin Alowie (Marketing & Operational Director)
- Joseph Adam (Finance Director)
- Sampurno (Area Manager)
Primary Contact Information
- Name : Laura Sinaga
- Job Title : Marketing Representative
- E-Mail :
- Phone : (62-21) 8310403
- Fax : (62-21) 8311473