PT. Karbindo Abesyapradhi

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Company Information

Company Name : Karbindo Abesyapradhi, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office

  • Address : SRIKANDI Building 3 rd Floor JL. Mampang Prapatan Raya No.23
  • City : Jakarta Selatan
  • State / Province : DKI Jakarta
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 12790
  • Phone : +62-21-79191238
  • Fax : +62-21-79182656
  • E-mail :

Branch Office

  • Address :
  • City :
  • State / Province :
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone :
  • Fax :
  • E-mail :

Site Office

  • Address :
  • City : Sijungjung
  • State / Province : Sumatera Barat
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone : +62-754-2452632
  • Fax : +62-754-2452631
  • E-mail :

Business Information

  • Main Business : Coal Mining Company
  • Stage : Feasibility Study
  • Contract Signing/Start Up :
  • Contract Scheme :
  • Commodity : Coal
  • Mine Type :
  • Resources : Tonne(s)
  • Capacity : Tonne(s)/year
  • Shareholders : PT. Surya Prisma Indah ( 90 % ) Ermanto Arifin ( 10 % )
  • Parent Company : PT. Surya Prisma Indah

Site Areas Information

  • Areas : TIANG SATU Coal Mine is located in West Sumatera in Kiliran sub-basin, 5 Km from Kiliran Jao town about 200 km from Padang. Mine is accessible by sealed road connected in Kiliran Jao to Trans Sumatera Highway from Padang. Topographically, mine lies on the foothill of Bukit Barisan. The pit area is undulated and elevation range between 140 to 230 m above sea level.

Transshipment Site/Port Information

  • Transshipment :

Company Coal Specification

  • Area Name : TIANG SATU Coal Mine
  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : 5000 – 7054 kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 2.3 %
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 10 %
  • H.G.I : 46
  • Moisture (a.r) : 15 %
  • Moisture (a.d.b) :
  • Volatile Meter : 40 %
  • Fixed Carbon : 45 %
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties :

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :
Boards of Commissioners :

  1. Mr. Ermanto Arifin
  2. Mr. Ateng Sumardi

Board of Directors :

  1. Mr. Chandra Lesmana
  2. Mr. Muliardy Muluk
  3. Mr. Edhie Poerwoko

Primary Contact Information

  • Name : Rangga Atmadja
  • Job Title : Marketing
  • E-Mail :
  • Phone : +62-21-79191238
  • Fax : +62-21-79182656