PT. Enel Trade S.p.A

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Company Information

Company Name : Enel Trade S.p.A, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office
Address : Cyber 2 Tower 18th Floor Jl. H. R. Rasuna said Block X-5 No. 13
City : Jakarta Selatan
State / Province : DKI Jakarta
Postal Code : 12950
Phone : +62-21-57998730/32
Fax : +62-21-57998734
E-mail :

Branch Office
Address : Enel Trade SPA Viale Regina Margherita, 125 00198 Rome, Italy
City : Rome
State / Province : Rome
Country : Italy
Postal Code : –
Phone : –
Fax : –
E-mail :

Site Office
Address : –
City : –
State / Province : –
Postal Code : –
Phone : –
Fax : –
E-mail :

Business Information
Main Business : Service Mining Company
Stage : Feasibility Study
Contract Signing/Start Up : –
Contract Scheme : –
Commodity : Heavy Equipment
Mine Type : –
Resources : – Tonne(s)
Capacity : – Tonne(s)/year
Shareholders : –
Parent Company : Enel Trade SPA, Rome, Italy

Site Areas Information
Areas : Italy and Indonesian

Transshipment Site/Port Information
Transshipment : Italy and Indonesian

Company Coal Specification
Area Name :
Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
Total Sulphur :
Ash (a.d.b) :
H.G.I :
Moisture (a.r) :
Moisture (a.d.b) :
Volatile Meter :
Fixed Carbon :
A.F.T :
Other Properties :

Principal Officers
Principal Officers : Alberto Ceccolini – Branch Manager Nina Ginting – Secretary to Branch Manager

Primary Contact Information
Name : Alberto Ceccolini
Job Title : Branch Manager
E-Mail :
Phone : +62-21-57998730/32
Fax : +62-21-57998734