PT. Bumi Asri Prima Partama

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Company Information

Company Name : Bumi Asri Prima Partama, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office
Address : One Pacific Place, 15th Floor Sudirman Central Business District Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 52 -53 Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Indonesia
City : Jakarta Selatan
State / Province : DKI Jakarta
Postal Code : 12190
Phone : +62-21-25502606
Fax : +62-21-25502555
E-mail :

Branch Office
Address : Komp. Citra Griya Blok K-7 Jl. Teuku Umar, Samarinda 75126 Indonesia
City : Samarinda
State / Province : Kalimantan Timur
Postal Code : 75126
Phone : +62-541-273800
Fax : +62-541-273800
E-mail :

Site Office
Address : –
City : –
State / Province : –
Postal Code : –
Phone : –
Fax : –
E-mail :

Business Information
Main Business : Service Mining Company
Stage : Feasibility Study
Contract Signing/Start Up : 2007
Contract Scheme : PMDN
Commodity : Heavy Equipment
Mine Type : –
Resources : – Tonne(s)
Capacity : – Tonne(s)/year
Shareholders : 1. 25 % Ibu Koesmoeryantati 2. 75 % PT. Pelaksana Jaya Mulia
Parent Company : –

Site Areas Information
Areas : An BAPP’s business activities get expanded, with its head office in Jakarta, BAPP has set up a branch office in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, to be closer to its customers and will be followed by establishing more branches in other prospective areas in the near future. BAPP currently is focusing on High Speed Diesel (HSD), also known as Solar, and Marine Fuel Oil 180cst (MFO 180cst) products in East Kalimantan areas, particularly for mining and its contractors with the supports of our Principal, HIN LEONG (PTE) LTD – Singapore, who has more than 40 years of experience in the international petroleum trade and is well acknowledged as a merket leader in the oil industry. It has a comprehensive marine logistic infrastructure that is a value-added for BAPP to offer valuable services for customer satisfaction.

Transshipment Site/Port Information
Transshipment : Bulk Trading, Direct Shipment from our Refineries Partner / BAPP Storage facility to client’s storage. Located in several strategic locations through Indonesian’a port such as Batam, Karimun, Belawan, Merak, Tj. Priok, Tj. Perak, Gresik, Karang Jamuang, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Dobo, and Tual.

Company Coal Specification

Area Name :
Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
Total Sulphur :
Ash (a.d.b) :
H.G.I :
Moisture (a.r) :
Moisture (a.d.b) :
Volatile Meter :
Fixed Carbon :
A.F.T :
Other Properties :

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :
1. President Director – Atoek Koesmoeryantati
2. Director – Theo Satria Chairuman

(New Management Per 1-March-2010)

Commercial Department, Email :
1. Sudrajat Mingan
2. Wisnu Adi Purnomo
3. Mary Veronika
4. Saksono A. Sukardjo
5. Farid Bahanan
6. Ludwina Ratih

Operation Department, Email :
1. Dinar Wahyuningtyas

Finance Department, Email :
1. Bambang Adhi Pratomo

General Affair Department, Email :
1. Evie Meynita Sebayang

HR Department, Email :
1. Santi Magas

Primary Contact Information
Name : Atoek Koesmoeryantati
Job Title : President Director
E-Mail :
Phone : +62-21-25502606
Fax : +62-21-25502555