PT. Baramutiara Prima

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Company Information

Company Name : Baramutiara Prima, PT
Website :

Jakarta/Head Office

  • Address : Chase Plaza Podium 6th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21
  • City : South Jakarta
  • State / Province : DKI Jakarta
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 12920
  • Phone : (+6221) 570-6388
  • Fax : (+6221) 520-6970
  • E-mail :

Branch Office

  • Address :
  • City :
  • State / Province :
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code :
  • Phone :
  • Fax :
  • E-mail :

Site Office

  • Address : Jl. Palembang – Jambi KM 114 Sungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin Regency
  • City : Palembang
  • State / Province : South Sumatera
  • Country : INDONESIA
  • Postal Code : 30755
  • Phone : –
  • Fax : –
  • E-mail :

Business Information

  • Main Business : Coal Mining Company
  • Stage : Construction
  • Contract Signing/Start Up : November 20, 1997
  • Contract Scheme :
  • Commodity : Coal
  • Mine Type : Open Cut
  • Resources : +/- 500 Million Tonne(s)
  • Capacity : 4 – 8 Million Tonne(s)/year

Shareholders :
Data 2002 :

  • PT. Paramita Inti Widya (Indonesia) (99 %)
  • PT. Intan Kusuma Perkasa (Indonesia) (1 %)

Data 2004 :

  • PT. Paramita Inti Widya (Indonesia) (99 %)
  • Husodo Angkosubroto (Indonesia) (1 %)

Parent Company : Gunung Sewu Group

Site Areas Information

  • Areas : Sungai Lilin District / Musi Banyuasin
  • Regency / South Sumatera Province
  • Initial Area :32.040 ha
  • Retained Area : 19.340 ha
  • Field Name : Prospect 1 or Block 1, Prospect 2 or Block 2, Prospect 3 or Block 3

Transshipment Site/Port Information

  • Transshipment : Tanjung Api-Api or The Bangka Island on the Malacca Straits

Company Coal Specification

  • Area Name : Prospect I
  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0.38%
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 5.00%
  • H.G.I : 60
  • Moisture (a.r) : 45.00%
  • Moisture (a.d.b) : 18.00%
  • Volatile Meter : 39.80%
  • Fixed Carbon : 38.60%
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties : A. Ash Fusion Temperature; Reducing Atmospheere: Deformation 1,290 deg Cel., Spherical 1,300 deg Cel, Heisphere 1,310 deg Cel, Flow 1,500 deg Cel. Oxydizing Atmosphere: Deformation 1,350 deg Cel, Shperical 1,360 deg Cel, Hemisphere 1,370 deg Cel, Flow 1,600 deg Cel. B. Slagging Index 1,306 and Fouling Index 1.77

Area Name : Prospect II

  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0,60%
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 3,09%
  • H.G.I : 69
  • Moisture (a.r) : 44,60%
  • Moisture (a.d.b) :
  • Volatile Meter : 40,80%
  • Fixed Carbon : 41,15%
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties :

Area Name : Prospect III

  • Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
  • Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
  • Total Sulphur : 0,29%
  • Ash (a.d.b) : 3,45%
  • H.G.I : 67
  • Moisture (a.r) : 46,3%
  • Moisture (a.d.b) : 15.00%
  • Volatile Meter : 41.30%
  • Fixed Carbon : 38.10%
  • A.F.T :
  • Other Properties :

Principal Officers
Principal Officers :
Data 2012 :

  • Ludi Bone (President Director)
  • Bugiarto Utama (Director)
  • Djodi P. Dimjati (President Commissioner)

Primary Contact Information

  • Name : Djodi P. Dimjati
  • Job Title : Manager
  • E-Mail :
  • Phone : (+6221) 570-6388
  • Fax : (+6221) 520-6970