Daud Silalahi and Lawencon Associates

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Company Information

Company Name : Daud Silalahi and Lawencon Associates
Website : www.dslalawfirm.com

Jakarta/Head Office
Address : Menara Kuningan. Lantai 9 FGD Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-7 Kav.5
City : Jakarta
State / Province : DKI Jakarta
Postal Code : 12940
Phone : 62-21-57945411
Fax : 62-21-57945411
E-mail :

Branch Office
Address : Parasitologi 16
City : Bandung
State / Province : Jawa Barat
Postal Code :
Phone : 62-22-2500018
Fax : 62-22-2500018
E-mail :

Site Office
Address :
City :
State / Province :
Postal Code :
Phone :
Fax :
E-mail :

Business Information
Main Business : Service Mining Company
Stage : Feasibility Study
Contract Signing/Start Up :
Contract Scheme :
Commodity : Heavy Equipment
Mine Type : Law Firm/Law Office
Resources : Tonne(s)
Capacity : Tonne(s)/year
Shareholders :
Parent Company :

Site Areas Information
Areas :

Transshipment Site/Port Information
Transshipment :

Company Coal Specification
Area Name :
Caloric Value (a.d.b) : kcal/kg
Caloric Value (g.a.r) : kcal/kg
Total Sulphur :
Ash (a.d.b) :
H.G.I :
Moisture (a.r) :
Moisture (a.d.b) :
Volatile Meter :
Fixed Carbon :
A.F.T :
Other Properties :

Principal Officers
Principal Officers : Founders/Advisor : Mangantar Daud Silalahi, S.H Managing Director : Kristianto Pustaka Halomoan, S.H, M.H Partner : Maurice Juniarto Rubin, S.H

Primary Contact Information
Name : Kristianto Pustaha Halomoan, S.H, M.H
Job Title : Commisioner
E-Mail : dsla@lawencon.com
Phone : 62-21-57945411
Fax : 62-21-57945411